Cat Maze - Solution here |
There are a huge variety of online casino games that
you can play these days. There is poker, roulette, blackjack, and
many online slot machine games. Many of these can also be played as
mobile casino games from your cell phone or tablet. But as fun as
these games are, they are not the only way you can have fun on a free
afternoon (or anytime for that matter.) Try mazes for example. Mazes
come in many different varieties. You can easily buy a big book of
mazes that start out easy and get tougher as you go on. There are
also many online mazes. If you get stuck, you can always click
through to get the answers. Do not feel bad about having to do this.
Many people do. You can also do a crossword puzzle. While it used to
be that these puzzles appeared in only newspapers, now you can do a
simple internet search an find hundreds if not thousands of crossword
puzzles of every imaginable degree of difficulty. Once again, the fun
is in working on them so even if you have to look up a word or two or
peak at an answer, you have not lost. Some crossword internet sites
even allow an option for hints when a particular clue is holding you
back. Feel free to go ahead use it. When you play all these games, it
is nice to do so while your cat sits in your lap.